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SIDEBAR STORIES is a501(c)(3) organization dedicated to helping people find their own stories. Our goal is to add voices that often go unheard to the larger conversation as a way of shifting dominant social narratives. We want everyone to know that what we have lived through can make a difference.

We focus on the stories of "ordinary experts", those who know the score about current issues because they have personally experienced the impact of situations like immigration, mental health, incarceration, social and economic injustice, addiction,racial or gender bias, accessibility healthcare and education, aging, violence,bullying, etc.

Through experiential storytelling workshops, we teach a structure for discovering and telling meaningful,memorable and undeniable stories. We also train reflective arts teams to transform the storyteller’s own words into original music, written narrative,spoken word, visual art and drama to be presented in community events.

stories, notes, research, and news on storytelling by ordinary experts for social change



SIDEBAR STORIES is a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to helping people find their own stories. Our goal is to add voices that often go unheard to the larger conversation as a way of shifting dominant social narratives. We want everyone to know that what we have lived through can make a difference.

We focus on the stories of "ordinary experts", those who know the score about current issues because they have personally experienced the impact of situations like immigration, mental health, incarceration, social and economic injustice, addiction, racial or gender bias, accessibility healthcare and education, aging, violence, bullying, etc.   

Through experiential storytelling workshops, we teach a structure for discovering and telling meaningful, memorable and undeniable stories. We also train reflective arts teams to transform the storyteller’s own words into original music, written narrative, spoken word, visual art and drama to be presented in community events.

Let's work together to make sure your story gets told.

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Make sure voices too often silent tell the stories we need to hear


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Let's talk about collecting stories for your cause or organization by holding a storytelling workshop or performance in your area. Sidebar Stories is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in the greater Philadelphia area and will travel to gather stories anywhere in the world.

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Or just give us a call in New Jersey at (609) 332-2798. We'd love to chat with you about working together.
Make it possible for someone who needs your help to find their story